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Jackfruit 3-5 lbs

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Taste: Young Jackfruit has a crisp, crunchy texture whereas more mature fruit may be firm or much softer and almost custard-like. The aroma of a mature Jackfruit has been described as off-putting, similar to overripe fruit. Younger fruit has a sweeter aroma. Jackfruit has a sweet taste and a flavor that is likened to bananas, pineapple and even bubblegum. As the fruit matures, the bulbs become a darker orange-yellow and the taste gets sweeter.

Uses: Once the Jackfruit has been halved and seeds removed, the remaining segments (referred to as bulbs) can be eaten fresh, frozen, cooked or pureed. The seeds are edible when roasted.  Younger Jackfruit is added to curries and can be roasted or baked and eaten as a vegetable. It is often shredded and used as a meat substitute. Pureed it is used to make jam or ice cream.

Nutrition: Jackfruit is very nutrient-dense. It is a great source of fiber, protein and vitamin B. It also contains potassium, iron, calcium and beta-carotene giving the fruit powerful antioxidant properties.

Harvest Time: We harvest Jackfruit in the Summer through the Fall

Jackfruit 3-5 lbs

Regular price $0.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $0.99 USD
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