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Florida Avocado 3-5 lbs

Regular price $0.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $0.99 USD
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Taste: The fruit's texture is creamy, and luscious, and the flavor is mild, slightly sweet and nutty.

Uses: Used in both savory and sweet dishes, the avocado is common in vegetarian cuisine as a substitute for meats in sandwiches and salads because of its high fat content.
Generally, avocado is served raw for guacamole, spread on corn tortillas or toast, topped with spices. 

Nutrition: Florida avocados are lower in fat than Hass, and contain no cholesterol. They’re a good source of potassium and a moderate source of vitamins A, B & K, folate, fiber,  and contain lutein the carotene “cousin” of beta-carotene that promotes eye health. 

Harvest Time: We harvest Avocados Mid Summer - Early Fall

Florida Avocado 3-5 lbs

Regular price $0.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $0.99 USD
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