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Canistel 3-5 lbs

Regular price $0.99 USD
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Taste: Canistel flesh is sweet, with a texture often compared to that of a hard-boiled egg yolk, hence its colloquial name "eggfruit". It is closely related to the lucuma, mamey sapote, and abiu.

Uses: The ripe fruit can be made into jam, marmalade, and pancakes. The ripe flesh is blended with milk and other ingredients to make shakes, and pureed it is sometimes added to custards or used in making ice cream. It is also used in a milkshake known as "eggfruit nog"

Nutrition: An excellent source of beta-carotene which is converted into vitamin A in the body to boost the immune system and protect against vision loss. The fruits are also a good source of calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Harvest Time: We harvest Canistel in the fall through winter.

Canistel 3-5 lbs

Regular price $0.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $0.99 USD
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